Donations to the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust help us through Grant Aid to achieve our aim to support the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway as a “Living Museum for the benefit of the public”.
All donations go towards to achieving our aim and are not used towards the day to day running expenses or general maintenance.
Details of projects that we have supported by Grant Aid can be found here.
If you are visiting the Railway, why not stop off at Toddington and visit our Information Office opposite the entrance to Platform 1 where you can donate using your debit or credit card and complete a Gift Aid form.
New Donations
In order to donate, please use one of the following options:
- Through our 'Donate' button, or by clicking here
- By sending a cheque payable to 'GWRT' to The Chairman, GWRT, Churchward House, Winchcombe Railway Station, Winchcombe, Glos GL54 5LD. Write on the back "General Funds" and, if applicable, your membership number.
- By Bank Transfer to the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Trust
Lloyds Bank, Blackheath
Sort Code 30-90-89
Account no 47638368
Payment Ref – "General Funds" and, if applicable, your membership number.
If donating via cheque, online or Bank Transfer and you would like to Gift Aid your donation, please download, complete, scan and email your GiftAid form to We will then be able to claim 25% Gift Aid.
Alternatively you can print, complete and return it to the above address.
Finding Supporters
How you may be able to help
Help and information from volunteers and members of the GWR and railway supporters about sources of funding is needed and will be greatly valued.
Traditionally we have benefited from support from both inside and outside the railway; our supporters share our love for heritage, education and helping others and the success of our recent appeals has underlined the high level of affection in which our railway is held. Perhaps you can help us identify new sources and channels of support?
Any information of this sort would be really helpful and will be treated as confidential. See the Contact Us page for how to get in touch.
Grants & Finances
For the years ending 31st January the following amounts were granted to Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway plc
2015 - £178,000
2016 - £318,153
2017 - £51,724
2018 - £591,559
2019 - £50,721
2020 - £47,996
2021 - £799,554
Tax Effective Donations
As the GWRT is a registered charity, UK taxpayers can make their donations tax-efficient. Spreading your gift over a number of years can make a donation more manageable.
Benefits for Tax Payers
Because the GWRT is a charity the gross value of gifts made by UK taxpayers to the Railway - individual or corporate - can be considerably more than the final cost to the donor. The table below illustrates the amounts paid by the tax payer and the final amount received by the Railway, if the amount that you wish to gift is not illustrated please ask we will be happy to supply the details.
GWRT can claim Gift Aid on payments by members of their own membership subscriptions, associated donations and also 'one-off' donations. This is an important source of income to GWRT at no extra cost to the member; to date, over 70% of our membership income has been eligible for Gift Aid.
Giving by pledge under the Gift Aid scheme is usually the most effective way of contributing, since it spreads the contribution over a number of years, which helps to make a larger gift affordable. Although there is no minimum period we hope that people will consider a five-year pledge since it enables a significant sum to be given by relatively modest monthly, quarterly or annual payments. The gross value of a pledge can serve as collateral for financing capital projects
Those who are not in a position to make a pledge can achieve the same tax benefits by making a lump-sum gift or a series of lump-sum gift, under the Gift Aid scheme. There is no limit to the number of lump-sum donations a donor may make.
Download our printable form for donation by cheque
Download our printable form for Monthly Giving by Bankers Order .
We do not take direct donations by Credit/Debit card because of the high fees charged by the banks; these detract from the donations. However, you can donate by Credit/Debit card via PayPal – go to the top of this page, where all the methods of payment are shown.
A higher rate taxpayer can claim tax relief at the difference between basic rate and higher rate income tax (currently 20% - the difference between 40% and 20%; or 25% - for those paying tax at the 45% rate) on the total value of a donation. This applies to both pledged and lump sum donations and substantially reduces the ultimate net cost.
Donations of shares, land and buildings, whether by an individual or a company, are not only exempt from capital gains tax, but also allow the donor to claim income tax or corporate tax relief on the current market value of the gift.
In broad terms where a person leaves 10% or more of their estate to charity the inheritance tax rate on the rest of the estate not passing to charity is reduced from 40% to 36%.
If your employer offers Payroll Giving scheme, you can use it to get tax relief automatically - at your highest tax rate on any donation you make to charity direct from you wages or pension pay packet.
Every gift to the campaign is much needed and will be greatly valued.

Note: Tax recovery has been calculated at the basic rate of 20% and higher rate at 40%. Figures have been rounded. Pledge forms enable payments to be made monthly, quarterly or annually. An additional 5% relief will apply to those subject to the Additional Tax rate of 45% for tax payers earning over £150,000 in a tax year from April 2