The main role of the Signal and Telegraph (S&T) Department is to provide the Railway with a signalling system that is versatile, being able to cope with the different levels of train operation required by the Railway's timetables. The department is also responsible for the Railway's internal telephone system.
The Department currently operates from a coach located at Winchcombe, with most of the work undertaken in the open air and in all weathers!
The work is generally the dismantling and maintenance of signal posts, but can include concreting, cable laying and replacement, construction and maintenance of walkways, including refitting Boards when required.
The design and installation work requires specific skills including telecommunication skills, and an ability to work as part of a small specialist team. Other work requires common sense, light engineering skills and an ability to work methodically.
The Department is responsible for:
- System Design and Installation of signalling and telephone systems
- General day to day maintenance
- Fault finding and repairs (when things go wrong)
- Manufacturing and modification of system components
- Finding and arranging transport to the railway of signalling equipment.
The Department also:
- Takes on the installation of cables and lineside posts and signs
- And has a small team who undertake the oiling and greasing of lineside equipment on a regular basis where the main quality is be able to operate an oil can or grease gun and to be able to see if anything doesn't look right!
S & T work takes place at Winchcombe most weekdays although Tuesday is the main volunteer day.
There is an oiling and greasing Team who work to a cycle of one day a month for three months then a month off.
Volunteers working with S & T are normally expected to commit for a whole day and at least 2 days a month.
Safety boots are required together with high viability clothing which might be a simple waistcoat or waterproof jacket and trousers
We currently have vacancies in the S&T Greasing & Oiling Maintenance Team. Previous S & T experience is not a prerequisite.